Foresight by PriyankaThe Secret Within You

A Grounded Perspective: Earth Signs in Vedic Astrology


Reliable. Calm. Introverted.

If there is a way to describe any earth sign, this would be it. These practical people are deep-rootedly connected to the physical world. They provide and long for security and stability. Still, there is so much more to the core of the ground and there are similarities and differences between each of the earth signs – Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

And yet, there is a lot to learn from them. Let’s take a look.

Taurus: The Bull

We start with Taureans, they are the first earth signs and while they are associated with the earth element, they are ruled by a rather flamboyant planet, Venus. This planet rules everything luxurious, comforting, aesthetic, and materialistic. It also governs the greatest pleasure experienced by mankind; love. The earth element humbles them but Venus makes them want more. They are dependable, sensual, and quite resourceful. On the other hand, they could come off as very stubborn and a possessive person.

What is the weakness of Taurus?

Taureans are known for their stubbornness, they will hardly ever admit their mistakes, despite being at fault. Communication is not their cup of tea, so confrontations mostly go in vain.

What is Taurus talented at?

They are ruled by the planet of beauty, of course it is going to reflect on them. Their artistic and aesthetic taste could never go wrong. Even their mentality is quite inventive so you can trust them when it comes to the most cultivated scenarios and situations.

Virgo: The Virgin

Virgo being the second earth sign are hands down, the perfectionist. Why you ask? Imagine being so detail-oriented and analytical (given they are earth signs) and at the same time, being ruled by the mighty Mercury which takes over the communication skills. So not only they are meticulous, but they are speaking sense with that intellect bestowed upon them by their ruling planet. Virgos are also naturally drawn to help people through their humanitarian approach and problem-solving expertise. On the flip side, these intelligent beings could get a lot critical about perfecting things and situations.

What to learn from Virgos?

Virgos’ zeal for perfectionism is not limited to others, it begins and surrounds them mostly. So, an introspective attitude to change things within yourself constantly to make yourself better is actually something people should learn from them. Setting high standards for yourself is never a bad idea.

What are the red flags for Virgos?

Perfectionism is fair. Over- perfectionism is not. Virgos could dabble into nitpicking the slightest flaw in things, people, and situations and could label them as “defects”. This will not work in their favour for long. This could also hamper their bonds with their loved ones and this could turn into passive resentment.

Capricorn: The Goat

The third earth sign, Capricorns is excessively reserved. They are responsible, disciplined and prefers a structured life. This so happens because they are governed by Saturn which is strict and serious. So, not only do they have the rooted element from the earth sign but also the discipline and ambition from Saturn. In a way, there is no room for any nonsensical situations in their life. This makes them excellent managers and humble leaders. Anything extreme would be their controlling nature.

What to learn from Capricorn?

Capricorns are driven like no other. Their stride and struggle are silent. They devote all their energy and purpose to their goals like it is their ultimate destiny. They remain low-profile and let their success (professional or otherwise) do all the talking. People can learn a great deal from them to keep working hard without celebrating their achievements– ever.

What do Capricorns struggle with?

Capricorns must realize, that they are The Goat, a hardworking, goal-oriented, and focused creature but not always The  G.O.A.T (Greatest of all Time). This could lead to some rigidity and unnecessary fear of failure which could instil some level of pessimism in them.


Earth Signs are just the epitome of the phrase – “Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication”. They will have their set of flaws and setbacks in their persona but who doesn’t? Eventually, their humility and loyalty win races and battles.

If you wish to dump the planning and strategies to someone, let it be an earth sign. They will never let you down because they are good at it and they do not let down a commitment. These reliable and practical signs are your friends that are the true examples of reliability. Whether it is the classy taste of a Taurean, a moving life advice by a Virgo, or a rags-to-riches story example set by a Capricorn– earth signs have mastered the art of living a life; from a distance.

Consult me for a personalized reading for a detailed analysis of your birth chart.

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Foresight by Priyanka