
Foresight by PriyankaThe Secret Within You

Marriage life Vedic Astrology: Best Remedies to Get Married Soon

When will I get married?
Is marriage on the cards soon?
Whom will I marry?

These questions tend to stress everyone. First your family, then you. No matter what the question, the only answer that comes to the surface is- delays. This can be emotionally challenging but let us look at the bright side and take a look at the best possible solutions for you according to Marriage life Vedic astrology.

Gone are the days when a person used to get married in his or her mid-20s. Nowadays, it is common to see the delay in marriage for many factors, including career-oriented approach, doshas, financial condition, the search for desired partner and westernization.

Delaying marriage solely because of your career or to get the desired life partner can be justified, but marriage getting delayed despite a person’s or their parent’s effort can be serious. There can be some astrological reasons for such delays.

That’s why many people trust kundli marriage prediction to know the reason behind the delay in marriage or which planet is responsible

Let’s take a look at the best possible answers to the most common question- When will I get married?

Vedic Astrologers do an astrological analysis of the horoscope and discusses the obstructing planetary defects for the delay in marriage and also explain its solution.

If you are hampered by the delays in your marriage, WhatsApp me to get rid of unwanted delays and stress.

Houses Responsible for Marriage Horoscope Prediction

  • When it comes to marriage astrology, it is the seventh house that is considered mostly. It does not represent marriage alone but also all your relationships and partnerships in life. Along with the seventh house, the lord of the seventh house is also an essential factor in predicting the time of marriage.
  • Another important house for marriages is the eighth house. It is significant because it represents sustenance and stability which is an important factor when it comes to marriages. If Venus or the sun has any connection with it, it can give good results and even indicate love marriage.
  • While many tend to ignore this house, it is significant and equally important. The second house represents relatives and family. Marriage is not a relationship between a man and a woman but it is a union of two families as well. Therefore, this house holds a lot of significance.
  • Along with these above factors, your social circle also matters a lot when it comes to predicting marriage timing. Therefore, the eleventh house is also considered and matters to protect the time of your marriage. The eleventh house also indicates success and gains which is relevant in terms of marriages.


It would be advised to not conclude the predictions based on the above four houses alone, all houses matter and I consider all aspects to give you the best solution possible. Save yourself from unnecessary disappointment on the basis of assumptions.

Planetary Positions responsible for kundli marriage prediction


  • Auspicious placement of planets in the fifth house (especially Venus) is a good indication of love marriage.
  • Sun placed in the seventh house, will assure a famous marriage, this alliance would, for sure, get into the limelight.
  • Sun positioned in the eighth house of your birth chart would guarantee high-profile, renowned in-laws.
  • Growth of marriage is predicted through the eleventh house, the stronger its condition, the more successful the alliance.
  • The fifth house is the house of your lover/partner/soulmate. If the ascendant lord is positioned in the fifth house, it guarantees a partnership for eternity. For instance, if your ascendant sign is Aries, the ascendant ruler becomes Mars. If you have Mars in the 5th house, it indicates an everlasting bond.
  • Venus in conjunction with Rahu indicates inter-caste marriages.

Before drawing conclusions, please remember that all of the above factors differ and depends on your birth chart alone, WhatsApp me to get a personalized kundli marriage prediction.

Let’s understand how Vedic astrology addresses the timing of your marriage.

How Marriage life Vedic Astrology predicts the timing?


  • If you have moon positioned in the 7th house you will, most likely marry around the age of 21 if you are a boy. In the case of females, the age is about 18.
  • If you have Jupiter in the 7th house, females can get married around the age of 28 and males around 31.
  • Mars in the 7th house indicates marriage around the age of 29 for males and 26 for females.
  • The presence of Sun in the 7th house indicates that the boy will get married by the age of 27 and the girl may get married around 24.
  • Saturn positioned in the 7th house indicates marriage after around the age of 33 (in case of males) and 30 (in case of females).
  • Mercury placed in the 7th house, in this case, the male natives get married around 23 and females around 20.
  • Venus in the 7th house indicates marriage around the age of 25 for males and 24 for females.
  • If there are no planets in the 7th house, it should not be taken negatively. Instead, other planets and Mahadasha and Antardasha phases are taken into consideration in Kundli marriage prediction.
  • If you happen to have more than one powerful planet in the 7th house it increases the chances of multiple marriages. It is an indication of an early marriage that might not work out.
  • If benefic planets are looking at the 7th house then deduct four years from the predicted age, if malefic planets are looking then add four years.

There are a lot of other factors that govern the timing of your marriage. To know the exact timing and details about your marriage connect with me today


Venus governs marriage, love, and romance. Its placement and strength in your birth chart indicate how successful your love life will be. However, Jupiter governs the marriage horoscope prediction in the case of women.

Saturn does give a love turned arranged marriage situation if it aspects the Chandra Chandaal (Rahu and Moon) in 9th, 7th, and 5th Lagna.

In the case of men, we assess the placement and condition of Venus. Whereas for women, Jupiter’s position and strength are checked. This would help you figure out the details of your soulmate.

Which Planet Is Responsible for Love Marriage?

Venus governs marriage, love, and romance. Its placement and strength in your birth chart indicate how successful your love life will be. However, Jupiter governs the marriage horoscope prediction in the case of women.

Does Saturn give love marriage?

Saturn does give a love turned arranged marriage situation if it aspects the Chandra Chandaal (Rahu and Moon) in 9th, 7th, and 5th Lagna.

Who will be my life partner astrology?

In the case of men, we assess the placement and condition of Venus. Whereas for women, Jupiter’s position and strength are checked. This would help you figure out the details of your soulmate.

Vedic Astrology only has hope and positive direction in store for you. Step in to find out what your life path has planned for you. This could be a sign as well, for you to unveil the course of events that will lead to a beautiful alliance. Consult me for a detailed, personalized reading of your horoscope.

Wouldn’t life be better if you knew the accurate details like date and time about your marriage?

The clock’s ticking, this could be the ideal time for you to settle down.

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Foresight by Priyanka
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