Let’s take a moment to discuss something that we all experience but is often difficult to comprehend fully. Stress. You know that feeling when you are worried about exams and there is a pressure on your chest? Or the feeling of anxiety when you fret about fitting in with your peers?
Even the struggle of trying to determine what you want to do with your life. Does this resonate with you? Well, you are not alone! Being a teenager is a challenging feat, and trying to understand who you are just adds to the chaos.
So, what if I tell you that the planets and the stars can actually assist you in dealing with all such troubles? A little absurd? But wait for a second.
Astrology is not merely about foretelling however, receiving or reading one’s horoscope. Astrology is a very effective medium that enables you to appreciate the issues that you might be having about yourself and equally offers you a means through which you can effectively manage your stress.
Let’s Get Freedom from Stress in Astrological Way
To begin with, let’s try answering one fundamental question- what do you think causes you stress? Of course, school, relationships, and social media have a half or more say in it, but the planets in your astrological birth chart also have a role. Yes, the stars absolutely determine your ability to deal with pressure.
Here’s how it works:
Saturn: Called the planet of discipline and challenges, Saturn can bring on a cloud of disorganization if placed chaotically in your chart; a position that makes one receive orchestration leaves a feeling of rough overwhelm.
How would it feel if a truly authoritarian teacher was forever monitoring your academic performance, from your attendance to your grades, only providing validation once you achieved excellence in all of them?
Mars: The main star of aggression, energy, and raw temper. Mars can drive one to their limit, leading to feelings of intense anger and frustration.
Mars makes one feel uncomfortable and restless, whether placed chaotically in your chart or positioned on an even ground. Have you ever noticed yourself arguing with your closest family members with no cause to warrant such aggression? Well, Mars might just be the culprit.
Mercury: A planet associated with thinking and communication, when it is in retrograde, it can create undue mental stress (you have probably heard of mercury retrograde, which suggests that everything is going haywire). What about the overthinking, miscommunication, and anxiety?
That’s Mercury’s doing.
Moon: Your emotions are ruled by the Moon. You may feel moody and even overly sensitive. You might get sad for no valid or significant reason.
All this does not imply that you are forever loaded with unwanted stress.
Astrology is not about putting the blame on the planets but about understanding how to approach them. It is key to work with the planets, not against them.
Your Zodiac Sign and Stress: What’s Your Coping Style?
There is a unique method of dealing with stress for each zodiac sign. Let’s break it down.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
While you are a natural go-getter, you can get impulsive or aggressive when you are stressed out. The red coral gemstone helps to balance the fiery energy, and so do calming physical activities like dancing and running.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Taurus folk love their stability, so when there are sudden changes, it can cause undue stress. Spending time practising deep breathing or grounding yourself in nature can help. You can also stay calm and centred with a rose quartz crystal.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Overthinking and anxiety have always been triggers, given the pace at which your mind works. To process your thoughts better, consider journaling or talking to a close friend. Wearing an emerald gemstone has also been said to bring in mental clarity.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Your heightened emotions can make you sensitive to stress factors. When things get overwhelming, retreating to a cosy and safe space at home works wonders. Moonstone can aid in soothing emotions and providing calmness.
Leo (July 23 – August 22)
Your stress amplifies from not being able to receive attention. Focus on creative outlets such as singing or painting to express yourself. A sunstone can aid in boosting one’s confidence and a positive attitude.
Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
You’re a perfectionist at heart, which makes you extremely critical of yourself. It’s crucial to show some self-compassion and hear your inner dialogue. Worrying less is aided by a sapphire gemstone.
Libra (September 23 – October 22)
You find yourself very drained and overwhelmed after stressful situations. Practice balance through meditation or yoga. An opal gemstone can help you restore and find inner peace.
Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Because you feel emotions deeply, the pressure of stress can tend to feel extreme. Remember to practice mindfulness exercises or shadow work. Shield yourself from negative energies by wearing a black tourmaline.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
High levels of stress can lead to you feeling anxious even whilst on the move. Remember to take short breaks whenever possible and plan an outing, like going for a walk in a new park. Turquoise gemstones can serve as a good grounding tool.
Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
You seem hyper-driven and passionate, but fear of burnout is common. Setting realistic expectations and ample breaks from work will help with avoiding feeling overwhelmed. Staying calm and focused is remarkably aided by a blue sapphire.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
As a free spirit, it’s common to feel in chains when being stressed and strained when too busy. Be in the company of those who understand you, try a new hobby, or go meet those who give you the understanding and lift your spirits. Amethyst encourages creativity while providing balance.
Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
Being as fully and highly intuitive as you, absorbing stress from others comes easily. Self-defence in this setting comes in the form of boundaries coupled with the need to practice self-care. The calming attributes of the aquamarine gemstone will help you stay in balance.
Astrological Remedies to Relieve Stress
Now talking about astrological remedies which will help reduce stress levels. We will now consider a few remedies.
1. Gemstones for Stress Relief
Every gemstone is a universal particle which has its own energy and can be used in mitigating stress when balanced properly.
For example:
- Amethyst: For lowering anxiety, it helps to calm the mind.
- Rose Quartz: Furthering self-love and healing emotionally.
- Citrine: Helps in boosting positivity and getting rid of negative thoughts.
2. Mantras for Anxiety Relief
These phrases have the power to assist in calming one’s mind when invoked repeatedly.
- Om Shanti Om: Brings tranquillity and, therefore, promotes peace.
- Om Gum Ganapataye Namaha: Diminishes stress and eases relaxation by helping in removing obstacles.
- So Hum: A mantra meaning “I am” and helps one connect with their true self.
3. Planetary Remedies
It is said that if a planet is causing you distress, you can use a couple of simple rituals to balance its energies. For example:
- Saturn: Recite “Om Sham Shanicharaya Namah” while lighting a black candle on Saturdays.
- Moon: Meditate on Mondays under the moon or put on something white.
- Mars: On Tuesday, give away red lentils or a red cloth.
4. Meditation and Yoga
Both meditation and yoga are great to keep your energies in harmony with other planets. If you wish to calm your emotions, use Chandra Namaskar (Moon Salutation) and if you wish to boost your energy, use Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation).
Final Thoughts
Astrology is not about surrendering your will. Instead, it is about helping you cope with the realities of life with appropriate knowledge and tools. The next time you feel really anxious, remember to take a deep breath, look at the sky and stars, and remind yourself that you are and always will be taken care of.
To uncover the depth that astrology can serve in your life, visit my blog on Astrology for Mental Health: Balancing Your Mind with the Stars. If you wish to analyze your birth chart with me and develop tailored solutions, feel free to book a consultation here.
The universe smiles upon those who are willing to help themselves, so take charge!