
Foresight by PriyankaThe Secret Within You

Manifestation Mistakes to Avoid According to Astrological Science

Have you ever gazed longingly at a dream vacation home, only to find yourself stuck in a reality of overflowing routine chores and duties? Or maybe you have fired off a million affirmations into the universe, yet your love life remains a Netflix rerun marathon for one? If you are feeling like your manifestations are […]

When the Moon Wanes: Weak Moon in Vedic Astrology

Unsurprisingly, we all love gazing at the surreal pearl of the universe. Something about it makes us stop everything just to take a good long look. Well the charm does not end there, the effect of the moon directly affects our emotions. This indirectly affects our mood, conscience, and sometimes, persona. Vedic Astrology is a […]

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Foresight by Priyanka
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