Foresight by PriyankaThe Secret Within You

Your Saturn Return: What It Means for You in Your 20s

Your 20s are filled with growth, exploration, and moments of uncertainty. As you approach your late 20s, something significant begins to stir in the cosmos — your Saturn return.  Often referred to as a rite of passage in astrology, your Saturn return marks a pivotal moment in your transition into adulthood. It is much more […]

The Role of Venus: Love, Beauty, and Harmony in Your Young Adult Life

Your 20s are the age of discovery. You find yourself in relationships, build your self-confidence, and discover your voice. The decade is very transformational, and the planet Venus plays a great role in experiences related to love, beauty, and harmony. As the ruler of romance, aesthetics, and values, Venus helps you walk through life in […]

The Role of Mercury Retrograde in Your 20s: What You Need to Know

Your 20s are a time of exploration, growth, and learning. From finding your career path and building relationships to discovering your purpose, this decade is full of opportunities—and challenges. Then, just as you’re finding your footing, Mercury retrograde comes into play. The so-called cosmic curveball that creates interruptions in communication, travel, and decision-making-yes, we are […]

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Foresight by Priyanka