
Foresight by PriyankaThe Secret Within You

What are Degrees of planets in your Kundli and astrology?


Let’s face it, Vedic astrology is fascinating, even if you don’t totally trust it. Astrology, whether you embrace it or not, captures our imagination and essence. The idea that our zodiac sign, future path, and life’s twists and turns might be influenced by the dance of planets holds a certain mystique. Perhaps it’s the power of prediction, the urge to connect the dots and find meaning in our experiences. Whatever our personal beliefs, a part of us wonders if the celestial bodies gracing our birth chart might play a role in shaping our lives.

Planetary degrees hold great relevance, much more than you know or realise. So if you have been under the impression that being a Libra ascendant with the moon placed in your second house pretty much sums up your life and aspirations, you are highly mistaken.

There is a whole wide world when it comes to your Kundli and it is also just one aspect to look at things. While it is enlightening and detailed, you would be surprised to know how things work out or don’t work out because of planetary degrees.

What is Degree of Planet in Astrology?

The degree of a planet is deemed crucial in Vedic astrology. It tells one the effect of a planet and the intensity of the aspect. Another important reason why degrees matter is because it indicates when or how a planet will make an impact on your life.

To understand the degrees well, let us interpret them as human beings- growing, grooming, and full of life. The degree of a planet can be taken as the age of a person and so the planet will behave like any other human at that age. This way you also understand the right time of impact(s) of the planet in the native’s life.

0 to 1 Degrees

If any planet in your Kundli is placed at 0 degrees, then this planet is powerless- only at the time you are born. Consider an infant, and how it is entirely dependent on external support. Similarly, the 0-degree planet begins with nil effect. The impact comes as it gains strength gradually.  In most cases, it starts making an impact after 30 years of age. So, while the planet is powerless and garners strength later, other powerful placements will always have an edge over it.

1 to 5 Degrees

Any planet placed between 1 to 5 degrees is an enthusiastic one. It might have the energy but it does have the direction to make a significant impact. These planets get directed and guided by planets placed at higher degrees. The positive impact of such planets can be achieved by the force of other powerful planets.

6 to 17 Degrees

Planets placed between 6 to 17 degrees are the perfect example of an adolescent, ready to break free and take risks. There is power, zeal, and will to withstand everything. What could go wrong?  There is no experience.  Without it, there everything is on the verge of skyrocketing or falling apart. It is almost like sending an amateur athlete to play a huge tournament. So, the chances are, it will depend on the expertise of the planets placed at higher degrees.

18 to 25 Degrees

Do not fall for the numbers, this category represents the attributes of a mature adult almost close to a middle-aged person who knows a thing or two about life. This is the category of planets that gives the native the true experiences of life. Any native who has most planets at these degrees in their chart is bound to experience the peak of the planet’s effects— good, bad or neutral. It depends on the placement of the planet.

26 to 29 Degrees

This category represents the old and grey phase of life but is it dormant? Not even remotely. Also, it would be all the more beneficial for planets like Rahu, Ketu, Mars, and Saturn to fall under this category. This way they lose their strength in terms of malefic results.

Why are Planetary Degrees Relevant?

Vedic astrology views life as a journey of karmic balancing. The degrees occupied by planets can offer clues about the types of karma (experiences) associated with each planet’s influence. For example, a planet at a lower degree might indicate some karmic lessons, while a higher degree could suggest culminating experiences to resolve past karma.

Understanding planetary degrees in your birth chart is like uncovering hidden chapters in the story of your life. It provides insights into your personality nuances, potential challenges, and areas for growth. A qualified Vedic astrologer can interpret these degrees in conjunction with your entire birth chart, offering personalized guidance for your life’s journey.

Vedic astrology delves deeper than just zodiac signs. The specific degree a planet occupies within its sign influences its potency. We will refer to this Kundli for clarity.

Degree of planets

Here’s a breakdown of this concept, called “avastha”:

Odd Signs (Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius):

  • 0-6 Degrees (Seedling): The planet’s energy is still developing, offering minimal impact. (Saturn in Aquarius at 4 degrees)
  • 6-12 Degrees (Sprout): The planet starts to mature, expressing about half its potential.
  • 12-18 Degrees (Blooming): The planet reaches its peak, delivering its full potential. (Jupiter with 17 degrees in libra will have a strong impact)
  • 18-24 Degrees (Waning): The planet’s energy starts to weaken, offering reduced effects.
  • 24-30 Degrees (Balsamic): The planet’s influence is minimal, if any.

Even Signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces):

  • 0-6 Degrees (Balsamic): Similar to odd signs at 24-30 degrees, the planet’s influence is faint.
  • 6-12 Degrees (Waning): The planet’s energy weakens compared to its peak.
  • 12-18 Degrees (Blooming): The planet reaches its peak strength, expressing its full potential.
  • 18-24 Degrees (Sprout): The planet’s energy starts to develop, offering about half its potential. (Venus and Mars in Sagittarius at 23 and 21 degrees)
  • 24-30 Degrees (Seedling): Similar to odd signs at 0-6 degrees, the planet’s energy is still in its early stages. (Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius at 25 and 28 degrees)

How to Interpret the Degrees of Planets?

Vedic astrology uses planetary placements by degree to understand a person’s soul purpose and life journey. These “karakars” act like signposts, guiding you towards fulfilling your potential.

Atma Karaka (Soul Significator)

The planet with the highest degree is your Atma Karaka. Imagine the Atma Karaka as your soul’s compass. The house it occupies reveals your soul’s deepest connection. A strong Atma Karaka indicates living a life aligned with your purpose, while a weak one might lead to feelings of dissatisfaction.

In this case, Mercury in the 9th house (Sagittarius) holds the highest degree (28).

Amatya Karaka (Supportive Guide)

The planet with the second-highest degree is your Amatya Karaka. This planet acts as your inner guide, influencing your career path and offering support in achieving your soul’s purpose.

Bhratri Karaka (Knowledge Seeker)

The third-highest degree belongs to Bhratri Karaka. This planet indicates the type of knowledge you are naturally drawn to and the house placement reveals the area where you seek the most learning. It can also shed light on your relationship with siblings.

Matri Karaka (Source of Happiness)

The planet with the fourth-highest degree is your Matri Karaka. The house it occupies signifies where you find the greatest sense of comfort and joy, symbolizing the nurturing energy of your mother.

Putra Karaka (Parenting Potential)

The planet with the fifth-highest degree, the Putra Karaka, reveals your potential as a parent and your approach to nurturing others.

Gnati Karaka (Professional Sphere)

The sixth-highest degree belongs to the Gnati Karaka. This planet sheds light on your professional environment and the kind of work that resonates with you including relationships with colleagues.

Dara Karaka (Partnerships and Social Life)

The planet with the seventh-highest degree, the Dara Karaka, is associated with your spouse and social standing.

In this case, Saturn in the 11th house (Aquarius) holds the seventh-highest degree (4).

But what does it signify? How will Saturn as Darakara or Mercury as the Atma Karaka affect the native? There is so much more to Mars in the third house or Saturn in the ninth house. Yes, the placements of planets matter but what remains more significant are the degrees at which they are positioned.  It could be confusing for people to interpret the intensity of a planet. Degrees help assess such factors.

Stay tuned and watch this space on how the planetary degree moulds your life as I will enlighten you more on each Karaka and the influence of these planets according to their degrees in the upcoming blogs.

Word to the Wise

By understanding these planetary kings and their placements, you gain valuable insights into your life’s purpose, relationships, and areas for growth. This is a holistic view and consulting an expert can provide a more personalized interpretation of your planets and their degrees. Connect with me for a thorough reading.

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